We ship by Inpost (Inpost S.A.) for delivery to Inpost parcel lockers and by Fedex for courier deliveries. Deliveries within the European Union are processed by TNT. Payment on delivery is accepted. Personal pick-up is unavailable, but you can buy our products in pharmacies, drugstores or in herbal and health food stores.

Delivery methods with a price list for supported countries

Country Parcel lockers Delivery courier Cash on delivery courier
Polska 13,99 PLN (InPost)
za darmo od 99 PLN (InPost)
13,99 PLN (Fedex) 15,99 PLN (Fedex)
Czechy, Litwa, Niemcy, Słowacja not applicable 29 PLN (TNT) not applicable
Austria, Belgia, Dania, Francja, Hiszpania, Irlandia, Włochy, Wielka Brytania not applicable 37 PLN (TNT) not applicable
Łotwa, Bułgaria, Chorwacja, Estonia, Finlandia, Grecja, Luksemburg, Portugalia, Rumunia, Słowenia, Szwecja i Węgry not applicable 46 PLN (TNT) not applicable